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Sign up for a Spotlight Interview opportunity here.

Welcome to the Spotlight Interview project we’re calling PLATINUM PRESS. It is an editorial-style format that we will be sharing on our website, blogs, and social media to lift our clients and community members up and tell their stories.

So, what’s your story? How do you connect with the community and make it better? Where did you begin, and where are you headed? Here is your chance to let the world know.

When you send in the form, Julie Miles, our in-house communications team member will contact you to set up a time to chat.

If you are a client, we offer this as a complimentary service. Not a client? Not a problem. The currency is connection: a short discovery call with our CEO, Michael, or sharing our self-guided tour with a few of your colleagues. Just fill out the form and Julie will connect with you. 

Thank you for doing what you do! 



Contributing Authors & Editors …
Julie Miles
Platinum Group
Michael Murphy
Platinum Group
Let’s Talk
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