time & attendance

get a time & ATTENDANCE tracking solution that works fast.

For many managers and supervisors, scheduling employees and tracking their attendance are some of the most difficult and time-consuming aspects of their jobs. The isolved Time, Scheduling & Attendance module allows time entry data to be recorded into one single database. Managers save money and reduce the time spent on employee scheduling and tracking time and attendance.




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Here’s how our Time & Attendance solutions can help

Reduce Paperwork
No more manually adding time sheets or time cards. isolved dramatically reduces paperwork while maintaining the compliance, security, or approval steps needed.
Make planning a breeze by allowing supervisors to quickly build shifts and schedules for their employees. isolved’s Time Scheduling solution makes it a snap to monitor attendance and compare schedules vs. time worked.
Remain Compliant
State and federal laws regulate time keeping and overtime pay for employees. Without a reliable system, your business could be facing legal problems. isolved helps your business mitigate risks and stay compliant.
Reduce Costs
Your workforce cost has a large impact on the bottom line. When time and attendance data is readily available, it’s an invaluable resource to quickly reveal which departments are controlling their overtime costs and which are not.
Time Collection & Clock Hardware

Employers have several options to collect and manage employee time and attendance with isolved’s time collection and clock hardware solutions. All clocks are on demand and located into one single database with isolved’s payroll system.

Employers and employees can access their schedules, make changes and request time off easily from isolved’s Mobile GO App. Managers are immediately notified and can make necessary changes to recover employee absences.

Choose as many different time collection methods as you need to support your organization’s requirements.


Solutions designed to meet your needs.
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