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Julie Miles

Julie Miles
Julie’s passion is to act as a liaison between the Platinum team, their wonderful clients, and the community, striving to tell their stories and make connections.

Recent Posts

Employee engagement hinges on employees investing professionally in the work they do. This is not just about work quality or meeting quarterly goals. Every job also plays a part in a professional’s overall career. Few people plan to stay in the same role forever. They want to learn new skills and...


Workplace conflicts are a natural side effect of bringing together people with different talents and opinions. For every problem, there are several solutions. In every group, more than one person may want to take the lead. For every challenge, some may try to shift responsibility or blame. A good...


Networking is the process of building your professional contacts. Every member of your network should be someone for whom both people can provide each other some mutual benefit. You might trade professional insights, influential favors, or it can start with simply being lunch buddies at...


Trust is the bedrock of any successful, productive workplace. When employees trust their HR team and the organization’s leadership, it significantly enhances their performance, happiness, and tenure within the company. Trust has a powerful impact on employee engagement, motivation, and...


When we think about diversity and inclusion in the workplace, it’s easy to focus primarily on factors like gender, race and ethnicity. But true inclusion means embracing the full spectrum of diversity, including neurodiversity. 15 to 20% of the population is considered neurodivergent, meaning they...


As leaders in today’s ever-changing business landscape, the ability to adapt your management approach to meet the needs of different situations and team members is more essential than ever before. This situational style of leadership, first developed by leadership gurus Ken Blanchard and Paul...