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Is Your Company Attractive to Prospective Employees?

Finding the best and brightest to work for you is no easy task. They generally are treated well at their current jobs and don’t want to take the risk of jumping to a new firm when they don’t know everything that is in store for them. In a...


How to Attract Talent in a Competitive Market

Recruiting is a two way street. During the hiring process, prospective employees are interviewing your company at the same time you’re interviewing them.


How Employers Can Deal With this Hazy Issue

Traditionally there was no question about the status of cannabis in the workplace. Most companies have policies forbidding the use of illegal drugs, but the increasing legalization of marijuana has complicated a once black and white issue. More states...


Are Office Romances Appropriate?

In an era where people are working longer hours than ever, it naturally also increases the likelihood of coworkers dating and developing relationships since they spend so much time together.


Save Time and Improve Accuracy

Taking employee attendance and tracking hours is a tedious, thankless job. It takes hours of time, messy paper work and is not the core responsibility of HR or management. They would rather be focused on moving the company forward, handling complex benefit processes,...

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When Should I Switch My Payroll Provider?

Have you been thinking about switching payroll providers? Are you tired of being put on hold for hours or dealing with a not so user-friendly system? No worries. The beginning of the year is the best time to switch providers and it is just around the...