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Michael Murphy

Michael Murphy
Michael is the founder of Platinum Group. His passion is in helping businesses to simplify their employee management and accounting processes.

Recent Posts

It has long been known that a good “culture” match can enhance both job satisfaction and team productivity. People who work well together and who share values and working styles can enjoy a greater team synergy, and company culture provides a great baseline to encourage that kind of positive...


As an employer, it’s crucial that you understand how to mitigate any skills gaps within your workforce. Skills gaps are the discrepancies between your expectations for your employees and your employee’s actual abilities. For example, if you’re expecting your employees to produce at a certain rate,...


Everyone knows that there are two subjects that should never be discussed in the workplace: religion and politics. These divisive topics often disrupt the mutual respect that employees hold for one another in an otherwise healthily diverse team. While religion is rarely an issue, politics are more...


Conflict in the workplace is bound to happen. With different personalities and opinions colliding, disagreements and friction naturally occur. However, conflict doesn’t have to fracture your team. With the right mindset and skills, it can strengthen relationships and spark positive change. The key...


Getting employees genuinely excited about their work is so important, but it can be tricky to figure out. Employee engagement goes beyond the surface level of job satisfaction. It isn’t just about whether employees are satisfied with their jobs day-to-day. It’s more about them feeling invested...


While some books and movies can often only shine a light on individual achievements, collaboration has played an equally vital role behind the scenes of many great success stories. Think about powerhouses like General Motors, Microsoft, and Apple — high-performing teams were instrumental in shaping...